
September 14, 2020

NEPTuNE Scholar Andreea Pavel’s paper published in The Lancet

The NEPTuNE programme is delighted to announce that NEPTuNE scholar, Andreea Pavel, has had the following paper published in The Lancet. A machine-learning algorithm for neonatal […]
September 2, 2020

Archive of Disease of Childhood publish paper by NEPTuNE Scholar Chelo del Rosario

The NEPTuNE programme is delighted to hear that NEPTuNE scholar, Chelo del Rosario, has had the following article published in the Archive of Disease in Childhood: […]
June 22, 2020

HRB NEPTuNE’s Virtual Study Day

Due to the unusual circumstances that have presented themselves to us since our last Study Day in February 2020, the NEPTuNE team held their first virtual […]
February 17, 2020

HRB NEPTuNE’s Study Day

NEPTuNE’s CRADLE project was host to the first Study Day of 2020 which was held on Thursday, 13th February in The Lloyd Institute, TCD. Scholars Chelo […]
January 29, 2020

Journal Publication for NEPTuNE Scholar Megan Dibble

We’re delighted to hear that NEPTuNE scholar, Megan Dibble in collaboration with fellow NEPTuNE scholar, Tim Hurley, has had her the following article published in the […]
December 12, 2019

TCD’s School of Psychology hosts HRB NEPTuNE’s Study Day

Dr Elizabeth Nixon and NEPTuNE scholar, Chelo del Rosario were host to NEPTuNE’s most recent Study Day that was held in TCD on Tuesday, December 3rd […]
November 21, 2019

World Prematurity Day 2019

NEPTuNE scholars, Tim Hurley, Chelo del Rosario, Megan Dibble and Fiona Quirke attended the 2019 World Prematurity Event which was organised by NEPTuNE partner, the Irish […]
November 7, 2019

The Patient Effect

NEPTuNE scholar Andreea Pavel and our Public Patient representative Paul Ryan were delighted to participate in ‘The Patient Effect’, a production by Galway’s Ishka Films that […]
October 16, 2019

3rd jENS Congress, Maastricht, September 2019

This year was NEPTuNE scholar, Andreea Pavel’s, first time participating in the Congress of Joint European Neonatal Societies (jENS), which brings together The European Society for […]