Professor Sally Ann Lynch – A Cornucopia of Research

Our summer meeting took place on the 11th June 2024. Professor Sally Ann Lynch presented a fascinating overview of her research which described her inspiration for research topics as well as the challenges faced by researchers. The presentation can be viewed below.

*** Please note there is a small issue with the audio at 10 mins 50 secs.

Dr Orla Killeen – Down Syndrome Associated Arthritis (DA), The Untold Story

Dr Orla Killeen gave a presentation about Down Syndrome Arthritis entitled  Down Syndrome Associated Arthritis (DA) – The Untold Story at our 19th October 2032 Educational Meeting. The presentation can be viewed below.

Professor Orla Franklin – Congenital Heart Disease in Infants with Down Syndrome

Professor Orla Franklin spoke to the group about Understanding Congenital Heart Disease in Infants with Down Syndrome Recent contributions of Irish Researchers.’ at our summer DISCO meeting which took place on Thursday 15th June 2023. The presentation can be viewed below.

To read more about our other DISCO meetings, please click on the link below.

DISCO Meetings


The Down Syndrome Research Group meets once a quarter.


DIAMOND – Dyadic Interaction And neurodevelopMental Outcomes iN Down syndrome

Down Syndrome Conversation Café

Down Syndrome Conversation Café – PPI Ignite Festival 2022


EMERALD – Eye Movements & Early maRkers of Atypical Language Development in Down syndrome


Down syndrome and ImmuNOdeficiency and Systemic And mUltiorgan Responses

DS Register

National Register for Children with
Down Syndrome


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