HRB NEPTuNE will train PhD students in multidisciplinary research projects in premier research centres in Trinity College Dublin, University College Cork and NUI Galway. Students will have a holistic overview involving the entire translational research paradigm from basic science research, translational clinical research, clinical trials to epidemiology and population health, while getting in depth expertise in their chosen areas.
HRB Neonatal Encephalopathy PhD Training Network
The HRB Neonatal Encephalopathy PhD Training Network (HRB NEPTuNE) is a major collaborative structured PhD research programme led by Professor Eleanor Molloy (Consultant Neonatologist, Chair and Professor of Paediatrics, TCD and Tallaght Hospital) and co-lead Professor Geraldine Boylan (Professor of Neonatal Physiology and Director of the INFANT Research Centre, UCC).
The programme brings together researchers with internationally recognised expertise in neonatology, paediatrics, neurodevelopment, family-centred care, clinical trials and methodology, pharmacology, epidemiology, biostatistics, translational research and neuroimaging in neonatal brain injury.
HRB NEPTuNE will train PhD students in multidisciplinary research projects in premier research centres in Trinity College Dublin, University College Cork and NUI Galway. Students will have a holistic overview involving the entire translational research paradigm from basic science research, translational clinical research, clinical trials to epidemiology and population health, while getting in depth expertise in their chosen areas.
The HRB NEPTuNE programme is supporting full time structured PhDs, incorporating innovative research projects and career development, for 7 doctoral trainees in patient-focused research. The new HRB NEPTuNE trainees began their programme in October 2018 with a formal launch and induction (see right).
NBCI launches its collaborative Neonatal Encephalopathy PhD Training Network (HRB NEPTuNE)
PhD Projects
The structured PhD degree is a doctoral training programme with the core component of advancement of knowledge through original research and integrated support for professional development. The programme is student centered and the qualification is designed to enhance, improve and directly engage the student in relevant research skills. In addition, it will offer the student disciplinary, generic and transferable skills, tailored to suit the experience of the student and reflect the disciplinary requirements.

Megan Dibble
Investigate the functional brain changes in neonatal encephalopathy (NE) infants and the associated behavioral and cognitive consequences

Fiona Quirke
Develop a Core Outcome Set for use in clinical trials, and other studies, for interventions for the treatment of Neonatal Encephalopathy.

Aoife Branagan
Point of care Ultrasound For Functional multIorgan evaluation in Neonatal encephalopathy

Chelo Del Rosario
Psychological And Neurodevelopmental assessment of Neonatal Encephalopathy

Andreea Pavel
Study of ElectRoENcephalogram, heart rate variability and clinical parameters as early biomarkers of hyPoxic-Ischaemic encephalopaThY in newborn infants

Carol Stephens
EpilepSY After NeoNAtal ElectrograPhic SEizures
OutcomeS and ElectroencephalographY followiNg NeonAtal EncePhalopathy: an ObSErvational Study