The ANSeR (Algorithm for Neonatal Seizure Recognition) study has developed a computer algorithm that can detect seizures in newborn babes.


INFANT is Ireland’s first dedicated perinatal research centre. Our mission is to develop innovative technologies in perinatal healthcare, improving the treatment and care available to pregnant mothers and newborn babies worldwide.

About NBCI

Ireland is at the forefront of research in the neonatal brain and neonatal brain injury, and has collaborative potential to be an international leader in this area.

We are establishing the Neonatal and Children’s Brain Consortium Ireland (NBCI) with internationally recognised multidisciplinary expertise in neonatology, paediatrics, neurodevelopment, family-centred care, clinical trials and methodology, pharmacology, epidemiology, biostatistics, translational research and neuroimaging. NBCI aims to encompass all researchers in neonatal brain injury. Please contact for more information and to register your interest.

NBCI members are based in the major universities, hospitals and research centres in Ireland, including the Irish Centre for Fetal and Neonatal Translational Research (INFANT). There is a focus on family involvement in research at all levels. This is well demonstrated in the recent award to NBCI of a HRB Collaborative Doctoral Award in Patient-Focused Research for HRB NEPTuNE (Neonatal Encephalopathy PhD Training Network).


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