Mary O’Regan
Presently I am a Consultant Paediatric Neurologist, CHI@ Crumlin Dublin and took up my appointment in July 2017 and prior to that was a consultant paediatric neurologist in Glasgow, Scotland initially at Yorkhill and latterly at the New Children’s Hospital. My interests are the paediatric epilepsies, neonatal neurology and neuroimmunology. I qualified from Trinity College Dublin in 1983 and undertook my paediatric and paediatric neurology training in London and Edinburgh.
Previously I was the Lead Clinician for the Scottish Paediatric Epilepsy Network and Chairperson of the Scottish Paediatric Neurology Group. Training the future generation of paediatricians and paediatric neurologist both at home and internationally is important and I have always been an educational supervisor and was Deanery Advisory for Paediatric Neurology
I was involved in the development of the Paediatric Epilepsy Training Courses run by the British Paediatric Neurology Training Courses and continue to teach on these courses.
I am a member of the Faculty of Paediatric Royal College of Physicians Ireland, Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child health, British Paediatric Neurology Association, European Paediatric Neurology Society, Scottish Paediatric Society, the International League Against Epilepsy and the Franco-Scottish Epilepsy Society.