Lynne Kelly
Lynne Kelly is a Research Fellow in Paediatrics at Trinity College Dublin and the Trinity Translational Medicine Institute at St James’ Hospital. She is also a lecturer in translational paediatrics and paedatric immunology in TCD. She was awarded her PhD in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from Trinity College Dublin in 2010. She worked on her first post-doctoral programme in Cork University Maternity Hospital and since 2014, co-established the Child Health and Paediatrics research lab in TTMI, St James’ as a research fellow with Prof Eleanor Molloy working on Neonatal brain injury and inflammation.
Lynne’s main areas of interest are steroid hormones, gender dimorphism, inflammation and brain injury in neonates. Currently Lynne is an investigator on the GEMINI programme, in conjunction with the National Children’s Research Centre in Crumlin where she conducts research on gender dimorphism in the neonate in relation to brain injury and inflammation.