Dr Eva Jiminez Mateos
Dr Eva Jimenez Mateos currently holds a position as an Assistant Professor in Physiology in the Department of Physiology in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Eva received the doctorate degree in Neurobiology in 2005 from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in Spain, having previously graduated from a B.Sc. in Biochemistry. Her Ph.D. studies were conducted in Professor Jesus Avila’s laboratory, Centro de Biologia Molecular “Severo Ochoa” in Madrid (Spain). During her Ph.D., she was interested in molecular mechanisms involved in the development of the central nervous system, with a special interest in signaling pathways underlying conditions of neuronal differentiation. Findings from my Ph.D. studies were published in Current Biology, Cerebral Cortex, and Biochemical Journal.
Her academic career includes a period as a postdoctoral researcher in Hospital Ramón y Cajal, and postdoctoral, research fellow, and honorary lecturer positions in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI). During her post-doc, she was interested in studying molecular pathways underlying seizure-induced cell death and the effects of neuroprotection on epilepsy development. During this period, she produced over 20 publications in international journals, including Nature Medicine, J. Neuroscience, and Brain and secured own funding, including the prestigious IRC fellowship.
In 2014, she combined her two areas of expertise to analyze the mechanism underlying hypoxia and seizures during birth and started her transition to independent under the prestigious SFI-Starting Investigator Research Grant, which has resulted in several publications. Using a combination of in vivo electrophysiology and biochemistry techniques, the latest two papers from her laboratory show the effect of phenobarbital in acute and long-term outcomes after hypoxia, including EEG recording and histological analysis (Quinan et al, Sci Rep. 2018). And, they evaluated the effect of anti-inflammatory drug on the neurological outcomes associated with neonatal hypoxia and seizures (Quinan et al, Front Immunology. 2019).
To date, she has 64 journal publications, 27 of which as a senior author, including a 1st author paper in Nature Medicine (H-index: 26 (Scopus)) and a patent (with 50% of the rights). Her career profile also includes peer-reviewing, (editorial board member, journal and international grant reviewing) successful collaborations, 17 presentations in national and international conferences – including the European Academy of Paediatric Societies (EAPS) – and supervision of master’s and Ph.D. students. In addition, she is also the winner of several awards such the FENS Kavli Award (FENS Federation, 2018), Young Investigator Award (Neuroscience Ireland, 2014), and FENS-IBRO Award (FENS Federation, 2012).