CRADLE: Circadian Rhythm Alterations anD outcome in neonatal Encephalopathy – TCD


  • Primary PI: Prof Eleanor Molloy (TCD)
  • Supervisory team:
    Prof Ger Boylan (UCC), Dr. Annie Curtis (RCSI), Ms. Mandy Daly, Prof Declan Devane (UCHG)


Changes in circadian rhythm are common in many illnesses including neonatal brain injury and neonatal encephalopathy (NE). NE is associated with persistent abnormal systemic inflammatory responses that may be amenable to immunomodulation as an adjunct to therapeutic hypothermia. Alterations in circadian rhythm affect immune function and are associated with changes in melatonin, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Understanding the role of the circadian rhythm in neonatal brain injury and inflammation may lead to simple therapeutic measures such as decreasing the duration duration of light exposure to increase endogenous melatonin production. Therefore, we wish to investigate whether alteration of the circadian rhythm in babies with NE decrease inflammation and improve outcome?

The CRADLE PhD scholar will cross disciplines in neuroimaging, neuromonitoring and neuroimaging, biostatistics, immunology and neuroscience. Their role is crucial to the entire HRB NEPTuNE programme as they will consent and meet all parents in the programme initially and collect biobanked samples and ensure all clinical data and management is standardised. The remaining HRB NEPtuNE PhD scholars will subsequently use this data and followup these recruited infants with neuroimaging, development or EEG.

NEPTuNE Scholar

Tim Hurley



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