EMERALD – Eye Movements & Early maRkers of Atypical Language Development in Down syndrome

EMERALD – Eye Movements & Early maRkers of Atypical Language Development in Down syndrome
This study examines basic-level neuropsychological differences that contribute to language development in toddlers with Down Syndrome. EMERALD’s goal is to provide a methodology that examines how toddlers with Down syndrome access and use sensory input from mouth movements. EMERALD also explores the role of medical covariates, sensory processing profiles, emotional/behavioural characteristics, and social competencies for individual differences in audio-visual attention. The researchers on this study also adapted their experiment for moderated online delivery.
Selected EMERALD research presentations
Grafton‑Clarke, D., Kelly, L., Nixon, E., & Quigley, J. (2021, March 11-12). We need to talk! Insights from Mothers’ and Fathers’ speech to their children with Down Syndrome [Oral Presentation]. 2021 Down Syndrome Education International Research Forum (Held virtually).
Owens, A., Grafton‑Clarke, D., Quigley, J., & Nixon, E. (2021, August 25-27). Use of Mental State Terms by Mothers of Children with Down Syndrome and Child Expressive Language Ability [Poster Presentation]. The 6th Lancaster Conference on Infant and Early Child Development (To be held virtually).
Macaulay, I., Grafton‑Clarke, D., Nixon, E., & Quigley, J. (2021, August 25-27). Maternal Verbal Directives to Toddlers with Down Syndrome: Evidence for Maternal Attunement to Child Language [Poster Presentation]. The 6th Lancaster Conference on Infant and Early Child Development (To be held virtually).
Grafton‑Clarke, D., Nixon, E., Molloy, E., & Quigley, J. (2019, September 18-19). The Power of Parents: Understanding the Significance of Parent‑Child Interaction for Child Development in Down Syndrome [Oral Presentation]. 2019 Down Syndrome Education International Research Forum (University College London, UK).
Grafton‑Clarke, D., Nixon, E., & Quigley, J. (2019, December 5). Don’t BabyTalk me! Are Parents Oversimplifying Language to Children with Down Syndrome? [Lightbulb oral presentation]. Children’s Research Network 2019 Conference (Dublin, Ireland)