Dr John O’Toole

John is a Research Fellow and Investigator in the INFANT Research Centre at Cork University Hospital. He leads a team of biomedical engineers on applications of data science and artificial intelligence to newborn neuromonitoring technologies. Currently, his work has focused on developing algorithms to detect and grade brain injury in preterm newborns using EEG and other physiological signals.

John received the B.E. (1997) and M.Eng.Sc. (2000) degrees from the University College Dublin, Ireland, and the Ph.D. (2009) degree from the University of Queensland, Australia. His Ph.D. thesis received the Dean’s award for outstanding research in 2010. Prior to Ph.D. study, he worked in industry (2001-2003) as a consultant engineer in control systems and as a research assistant (2003-2005) at the Signal Processing Research Centre in the Queensland University of Technology, Australia.

His postdoctoral research has included topics in signal processing and machine learning for biomedical applications at the Centre for Clinical Research (2008-2010), University of Queensland, Australia; DeustoTech-eLIFE Group (2011-2013), University of Deusto, Spain; and from 2013 on at the Neonatal Brain Research Group, now part of the INFANT Centre, at University College Cork, Ireland.

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